Source code for lacecore._selection.selection_object

import numpy as np
from polliwog import Plane
import vg
from .reconcile_selection import reconcile_selection
from .._common.reindexing import create_submesh
from .._common.validation import check_indices

[docs]class Selection: """ Encapsulate a chained submesh selection operation. Invoke `.end()` to apply the selection operation and create a submesh. By default, orphaned vertices are pruned. However you can keep them by invoking `.end(prune_orphan_vertices=True)`. Include `.union()` in the chain to combine more than one set of selection criteria into a single submesh. Args: target (lacecore.Mesh): The mesh on which to operate. union_with (lacecore.Selection): The operation with which the new instance should combine itself. Normally this is reserved for internal use. """ def __init__( self, target, union_with=[], ): self._target = target self._union_with = union_with self._vertex_mask = np.ones(target.num_v, dtype=np.bool) self._face_mask = np.ones(target.num_f, dtype=np.bool) def _keep_faces(self, mask): self._face_mask = np.logical_and(self._face_mask, mask) def _keep_vertices(self, mask): self._vertex_mask = np.logical_and(self._vertex_mask, mask) # TODO: Depends on # def face_groups(self, *group_names): # self._keep_faces(self._target.face_groups.union(*group_names)) # return self
[docs] def vertices_at_or_above(self, dim, point): """ Select vertices which, when projected to the given axis, are either coincident with the projection of the given point, or lie further along the axis. Args: dim (int): The axis of interest: 0 for `x`, 1 for `y`, 2 for `z`. point (np.arraylike): The point of interest. Returns: self """ if dim not in [0, 1, 2]: raise ValueError("Expected dim to be 0, 1, or 2") self._keep_vertices(self._target.v[:, dim] >= point[dim]) return self
[docs] def vertices_above(self, dim, point): """ Select vertices which, when projected to the given axis, lie further along that axis than the projection of the given point. Args: dim (int): The axis of interest: 0 for `x`, 1 for `y`, 2 for `z`. point (np.arraylike): The point of interest. Returns: self """ if dim not in [0, 1, 2]: raise ValueError("Expected dim to be 0, 1, or 2") self._keep_vertices(self._target.v[:, dim] > point[dim]) return self
[docs] def vertices_at_or_below(self, dim, point): """ Select vertices which, when projected to the given axis, are either coincident with the projection of the given point, or lie before it. Args: dim (int): The axis of interest: 0 for `x`, 1 for `y`, 2 for `z`. point (np.arraylike): The point of interest. Returns: self """ if dim not in [0, 1, 2]: raise ValueError("Expected dim to be 0, 1, or 2") self._keep_vertices(self._target.v[:, dim] <= point[dim]) return self
[docs] def vertices_below(self, dim, point): """ Select vertices which, when projected to the given axis, lie before the projection of the given point. Args: dim (int): The axis of interest: 0 for `x`, 1 for `y`, 2 for `z`. point (np.arraylike): The point of interest. Returns: self """ if dim not in [0, 1, 2]: raise ValueError("Expected dim to be 0, 1, or 2") self._keep_vertices(self._target.v[:, dim] < point[dim]) return self
[docs] def vertices_on_or_in_front_of_plane(self, plane): """ Select the vertices which are either on or in front of the given plane. Args: plane (polliwog.Plane): The plane of interest. Returns: self See also: """ if not isinstance(plane, Plane): raise ValueError("Expected an instance of polliwog.Plane") self._keep_vertices(plane.sign(self._target.v) != -1) return self
[docs] def vertices_in_front_of_plane(self, plane): """ Select the vertices which are in front of the given plane. Args: plane (polliwog.Plane): The plane of interest. Returns: self See also: """ if not isinstance(plane, Plane): raise ValueError("Expected an instance of polliwog.Plane") self._keep_vertices(plane.sign(self._target.v) == 1) return self
[docs] def vertices_on_or_behind_plane(self, plane): """ Select the vertices which are either on or behind the given plane. Args: plane (polliwog.Plane): The plane of interest. Returns: self See also: """ if not isinstance(plane, Plane): raise ValueError("Expected an instance of polliwog.Plane") self._keep_vertices(plane.sign(self._target.v) != 1) return self
[docs] def vertices_behind_plane(self, plane): """ Select the vertices which are behind the given plane. Args: plane (polliwog.Plane): The plane of interest. Returns: self See also: """ if not isinstance(plane, Plane): raise ValueError("Expected an instance of polliwog.Plane") self._keep_vertices(plane.sign(self._target.v) == -1) return self
@staticmethod def _mask_like(value, num_elements): value = np.asarray(value) if value.dtype == np.bool: vg.shape.check(locals(), "value", (num_elements,)) return value else: check_indices(value, num_elements, "mask") mask = np.zeros(num_elements, dtype=np.bool) mask[value] = True return mask
[docs] def pick_vertices(self, indices_or_boolean_mask): """ Select only the given vertices. Args: indices_or_boolean_mask (np.arraylike): Either a list of vertex indices, or a boolean mask the same length as the vertex array. Returns: self """ self._keep_vertices( self._mask_like(indices_or_boolean_mask, len(self._vertex_mask)) ) return self
[docs] def pick_faces(self, indices_or_boolean_mask): """ Select only the given faces. Args: indices_or_boolean_mask (np.arraylike): Either a list of face indices, or a boolean mask the same length as the face array. Returns: self """ self._keep_faces(self._mask_like(indices_or_boolean_mask, len(self._face_mask))) return self
[docs] def union(self): """ Chain on a new selection object. This works like a boolean "or" to combine two sets of submesh operations. Args: indices_or_boolean_mask (np.arraylike): Either a list of face indices, or a boolean mask the same length as the face array. Returns: lacecore.Selection: The new selection operation, which will combine itself with `self`. Example: >>> upper_half_plus_right_half = ( .vertices_above(centroid, dim=0) .union() .vertices_above(centroid, dim=1) .end() ) """ return self.__class__(target=self._target, union_with=self._union_with + [self])
def _reconciled_selection(self, prune_orphan_vertices): return reconcile_selection( faces=self._target.f, face_mask=self._face_mask, vertex_mask=self._vertex_mask, prune_orphan_vertices=prune_orphan_vertices, )
[docs] def end( self, prune_orphan_vertices=True, ret_indices_of_original_faces_and_vertices=False, ): """ Apply the selection to construct a submesh. Args: prune_orphan_vertices (bool): When `True`, remove vertices which are referenced only by faces which are being removed. ret_indices_of_original_faces_and_vertices: When `True`, also return the indices of the original faces and vertices. Returns: object: Either the submesh as an instance of `lacecore.Mesh`, or a tuple `(submesh, indices_of_original_faces, indices_of_original_vertices)`. The index arrays contain the new indices of the original vertices, and `-1` for each removed face and vertex. """ # The approach here is designed to keep faces which have verts in two # halves of a union, and to avoid keeping the entire mesh when faces # are selected in one half of a union and verts are selected in the # other. # First, form the union of reconciled vertices. _, initial_vertex_mask_of_union = self._reconciled_selection( prune_orphan_vertices=prune_orphan_vertices ) for other in self._union_with: _, this_vertex_mask = other._reconciled_selection( prune_orphan_vertices=prune_orphan_vertices ) initial_vertex_mask_of_union = np.logical_or( initial_vertex_mask_of_union, this_vertex_mask ) # Second, union the faces. initial_face_mask_of_union = self._face_mask for other in self._union_with: initial_face_mask_of_union = np.logical_or( initial_face_mask_of_union, other._face_mask ) # Finally, reconcile the union of reconciled vertices with the union of # faces. face_mask_of_union, vertex_mask_of_union = reconcile_selection( faces=self._target.f, face_mask=initial_face_mask_of_union, vertex_mask=initial_vertex_mask_of_union, prune_orphan_vertices=prune_orphan_vertices, ) return create_submesh( mesh=self._target, vertex_mask=vertex_mask_of_union, face_mask=face_mask_of_union, ret_indices_of_original_faces_and_vertices=ret_indices_of_original_faces_and_vertices, )